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Our Story:


In Spring 2012, nine Virginia Tech undergrads traveled to Lugano, Switzerland to study abroad. Then, an in-class assignment during their study abroad semester turned into a real world project, and the nine students traveled to Kenya to implement the curriculum they had created.  


The group worked with primary school students at the Bambakofi Academy, a boarding school started and funded by a Swiss nonprofit, ATKYE.The students were bright, talented and personable;  funding is the only thing holding these students back from reaching their goals. 


Inspired by their time in Kenya and interactions with the children of Bambakofi, the nine Virginia Tech students returned to the USA and created The Taaluma Project. 


Graduated with a Marketing and Human Resource Management double major.


"Traveling to Kenya was a once in a lifetime opportunity that truly changed my perspective on life. Never give up on your dreams because you could end up changing the world."

Most Prepared



"I was given the amazing opportunity last Spring to travel the world, and my last destination was one that I will never forget. One of the hardest things I had to do was say goodbye, and that's why we created the Taaluma Project. We are no longer saying goodbye but hello to further education and limitless possibilities."

Best Dancer

amanda Frick

Graduated with a degree in Marketing and an intense passion for travel, art, and kittens. 


"Each day I spent in Kenya genuinely made me smile, and I cannot wait to go back!"


shelley gosaie


Graduated with a dual degree in Marketing & Communications.


"My experience in Kenya changed my life in a way I couldn't imagine. Since 2012, I have returned 4 times and everytime my heart fills with joy and Chipati! I love all outdoor activities and consider myself an avid foodie!"

Most Prepared

Valerie hengemuhle





Graduated with a dual degree in Marketing and Management.


"The time I spent in Kenya has completely changed my everyday outlook on life back in the US and also helped me to overcome my fear of veggies! "

Best Photographer

sarah magee



Graduated with a degree in Marketing and International Business minor at Virginia Tech.


"The kids we met in Kenya were UNBELIEVABLY smart and driven and we want them to have the same opportunities that we do!"

Best Jumper

Marlee Newman


Graduated with a finance degree.


"My semester abroad was by far the most eye opening and rewarding experience of my entire life. After graduation I plan to start the next chapter of my life in NYC.

Hakuna Matata!"

Fearless Leader

ashvin sinnathamby


"Traveling abroad changed my perception of marketing and inspired me to work towards creating sustainable social change. Working with the Taaluma Project has shown me that even the smallest things do make a difference."

Best Singer

angela Tabb


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Graduated with a dual degree in Public Relations and Psychology. She taught special education for 4 years and now works as Program Director or a literacy non-profit.


"Traveling to Kenya opened my mind to all the world has to offer. This experience changed my career trajectory and therefore had an immense impact on my life."

Best Eater

whitney unis


Graduated with a Public Relations degree.


"The most life changing part of my experience at Virginia Tech and beyond was traveling to Kenya and spending time with these amazing kids."

Most Allergic to Malaria Pills

whitney wilson



A message from our founders:


All of the co-founders of The Taaluma Project have now graduated from Virginia Tech, and are settling into their post-college life in very different ways. Although we may be in different cities, pursuing different careers, one thing continues to tie us together - the students of Bambakofi Academy. The mission of The Taaluma Project continues to flow deeply in our systems.


We cannot thank those who have participated, donated, or helped spread the word enough! We would not be where we are today without your support. That being said, we aren’t done. Bright and talented African students continue to face insurmountable obstacles when it comes to education. We need to continue to raise money to help remove the financial barrier that holds these students back and help them achieve their goals. We know that if given the opportunity these children will change the world. Let’s do all we can to give them opportunities to succeed. Every child, no matter where they are born, how much money they have, or what their dreams are should have the opportunity to be all they can be.



Help us plant the seed that will help these students grow!

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